Creating a company history is part of a marketing strategy. But, you see, it is not interesting for anyone to read dull texts about your achievements, results, and prospects.
To attract the attention of the audience and potential employers, you need to learn how to properly talk about yourself and your work. This is all you can do through an effective storytelling technique.
You can help the audience to look behind the scenes of your creativity, telling them about yourself, about the intricacies of your work, the difficulties that arise in the process. All this contains the popular notion of psychology and management – storytelling.
It Is Storytelling That Facilitates The Process Of Remembering You, Your Ideas And Your Product.
Imagine you are browsing your old posts on Facebook, photos from your best friend’s wedding, and the memories come back to you as if it were yesterday. A common past with friends and family, as well as a sense of nostalgia, make us remember how everything was or how we would like to remember it.
Your brand can also share key moments of your story with your target audience. The history of the company is important for customers, business partners, employees. But, how to make it so that people want to read about you? This can be possible by sharing an effective story of your brand with the target audience.

GIF Source: – Ahmed Badry
So, today we are going to discuss how you can beat the company’s history by incorporating imagination and using the principles of brand storytelling.
What Actually Brand Storytelling Is?
Storytelling is perhaps one of the oldest editorial marketing techniques. The use of narration can strengthen the popularity of your brand. Some marketers even see storytelling as the most powerful method of building and developing a company’s reputation in the long run. However, for this practice to be truly effective and for consumers to keep your business or brand in mind, it is imperative to follow certain rules.
Follow Storytelling Basics to Drive Change
Creating emotion through a captivating and easy-to-remember story brings a whole new dimension to your business.
As you can see, the storytelling is deliberately different from the promotional discourse … without losing its profitability objectives. It’s about telling a story that embodies the company’s values and creates a lasting experience with the customers.
As users become more impervious to advertising, businesses are looking for alternative ways to catch their audience’s attention. In this context, storytelling appears as the ideal way to mark the spirits.
If you want your product to stand out, create an image, speak with your customer, and not just watch the product in stock. Buyers today have an immense choice, and they want a little more than just good service.
Not all companies have a rich history, but this does not mean that you should stop using storytelling. On the contrary: it is necessary to “make” your story from the facts that you have, to create a stable link between the consumer and the brand. With your story, it is important to inspire people, encourage them, communicate their values and bring emotions to them.
Storytelling for Business – The Surprising Benefits
In one of his articles, the founder of, Indranil Chakraborty, proving the power of stories. He found the answer to the question of what financial profit the storytelling brings to the company. In his opinion, this technology allows you to return 28 times more than was invested.
Here we have mentioned a few advantages that a storytelling strategy can offer you:
- Help to build a strong relationship with the customers
Brand storytelling is magically capable of creating trust, which is the basis of a strong relationship. According to a survey conducted by the New York Times / CBS, people trust in 30% of cases. The paradox is that when they asked how much they trust people with whom they communicate closely and listen to their stories, 70% answered affirmatively. Obviously, storytelling provides this huge gap in statistics.
- Make your brand/company more trustworthy
Adding a voice to your brand can help to gain the confidence of your customers. This approach is quite important for those who sell their services or product only on the web. Storytelling makes your brand or product more clearly recognized by your customers.
- Develop an “all-in-one” marketing strategy
Another advantage of Brand storytelling is its broad scope. It allows both to catch the attention of consumers who do not know the company and helps to convince potential customers who are still undecided.

Image Source: – Suat
- Good practices always work
Like any content marketing strategy, brand storytelling requires asking yourself a few questions and carefully analyzing your objectives. By following some good practices, you will be able to build an effective and rewarding story of your brand.
- The right dose of creativity and authenticity
The right storytelling strategy is based on an optimal balance between imagination and real facts. The worst mistake to make is to tell a story that is false or too far from reality. Don’t forget that the audience is not fooled! So, be real to them.
- Find your own recipe
It is important to personalize the story that you will tell to your people. It should reflect the identity of your brand or company. Think about the circumstances of the creation of the company or the birth of your project. Always try to find universal values or a positive commitment that could explain your goals.
Do not try at all to copy your competitors, even if their storytelling strategy is brilliant. If you lack inspiration or if you do not know how to elaborate your story, there are effective storytelling frames to use.
Which Channels to Use?
Whatever the nature and scope of the story you create, it should be relayed consistently across all your communication channels: website, social profiles, and advertising. Of course, you must adapt your story according to the channel used. But this change must be made on the form, not on the substance.
The most suitable media for storytelling
Textual content such as blog posts or testimonials that can be easily disseminated on social media is particularly appropriate. But you can also use the power of the image by staging your own scenario. A humorous video can make the buzz and lasting impact on your customers.
At The End…
Storytelling is the most effective way to connect with potential customers. Having told about yourself, you will find the response and support of the audience and attract the attention of customers.
You can use this technique in the promotion of various products or services on the web. Therefore, in spite of the well-known truth, which states that silence is gold, we advise you to get out of the sink and tell the world about yourself!